
A story to tell_#6 Marco Pesaresi

date » 28-09-2020 21:28

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tags » Marco, Pesaresi, Underground, Viaggio, Rimini, SIFEST, Savignano, Rubicone, fotografo,

On September 26th, 2020 I have been in Savignano sul Rubicone to attend SIFEST, a well known photographic festival.
I crossed a small Gallery where there was an exhibition of Marco Pesaresi. Up to that moment I had very few information about this famous author. I started looking at photographies and I wanted to know more about him.
Eventually I asked a hostess to help me on this and I requested a leaflet or any statement to get an overview about his biography.
Hostess smiled and she told me I couldn't have been luckier than this because just next to me there was his mother: Isabella Perazzini.
I learned about Marco's life through Isa's words: his passion for the human nature he wanted to capture through his journeys. She showed me his work "Underground" where he spent months underneath the ground to capture homeless, lovers, travelers and any possible face of the humanity he wanted to explore. We spent some time in commenting Rimini shots, the native land of Marco. He captured the flavor of Rimini's nights and the feelings and atmosphere of the city also through the emotional lenses of his tormented nature.
I have been really impressed by his work on Trans - Siberian express that immediately recalled me Destinazione Mare (check it out > HERE At the time he was travelling he kept a diary where he wrote:

"I do not want to spend time in reading, knowing..I want to deep dive in my journey. I must be clever while taking picture. I need to focus my efforts without spreading them"

These words reminds me the way I am used to approach any single project where I am deeply involved in and this gives me, once more, the belief I have not been there, with Isa, by chance.

Time passed by very fast. Isa was moving from a shot to another recalling memories, Marco's words, anecdotes. Before leaving the gallery I have asked Isa to leave me with an inscription on a Marco's book.
I have been touched by the dedication that can be seen as one possible metaphor of our life and on our photographic journey:

"Not all ones who are wandering have lost themselves"

To know more about Marco Pesaresi

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